dats wad i alwaes sing wif amanda when we're high...
& we claim dat we're jus testing e durability of our sch's window :D
haaha okaes i'm sounding quite unlike me uhh?
yea i can be quite crazy sometimes
realised that my previous post sounded quite depressing...
so i shall try & make this a more lively post...
yupz have been rushing to meet deadline for teachers' dae gifts
oh...& dat jus reminded me dat i'av to remember to pass Mark dat drawing...
haaha meet up wif jovin,mark,kf malchlom(pardon me if i spelt it wrongly)
for a short meeting...
lols had FUN plaeing hide & seek wif jovin...
xD haa 4 of u should noe wad i mean
lols damn funny lar...is like i was running all e wae to find her(so u can imagine how messy my hair is) ...
& then she tot i lost my wae (& i'av to admit i'av quite a poor sense of directions) ...
so she went to find me & when i saw mark they all @ e void deck...
& they told me she just walked pass in e direction i came from
then i was lik (0.o zzZ)...
"okok i go & find her"& i ran back again
(haa there's upgrading going on u see,so there's two paths to walk)
she took e inner path & i tok e outter one
LOLs i was laufing lik crazy when i ran back & finally found her...
hmm meeting meeting....
& then off to AMK interchange...
heehe had fun teasing jovin wif mark regarding something...
to be exact...
i was half laufing,
half forcing myself not to lauf ani further for fear that my jaws mite drop
& half grinning lik a looney
:] =) xD
haaaha Yay...now i'll hav more fun in sch by teasing dat yangzte river :D
opps =X
alrights malchlom went to plae bball wif his frens and then mark head down to stadium leaving jovin(for me to tease) & kf
haa we went to AMK hub to check prices for teacher' dae..
& ended up wif kf gobbling up a plate of rice & a bowl of noodles (=.=' )
okaes well, went fairprice hmm bought sweets UNINTENTIONALLY coz we were standing @ dat section for quite a while discussing stuff
(awW & i ought to cut down on fat intake =P)
& kf bought ham...
jovin bought sausages,milk & marshmallow...
discussed a bit abought e Teachers' stuff...
& woa-lah saw junior joshua haaa surprised!
he damn shuang when jovin was lik "hi surgeon" lol
then he sae eh...can repeat?very shuang lea
head back home after walkwalk took 130 leaving jovin n kf taking separated buses
haaha saw a funny sight on e bus...
shan't elaborate further...
oh my...nagged by mum kaes till then peeps(:
nite nite♥
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